Best Game That Came Out Before 2023 That I Played For The First Time In 2023 Award : Earthbound
2023 In Revue
Game : Earthbound
Developer : APE Inc & HAL Laboratory
Publisher : Nintendo
Platforms : Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Release : 01/06/95 (US)

Earthbound. You know it. Maybe you love it. In some parts of the internet you can’t escape it.
A turn-based RPG for the SNES, Earthbound (Mother 2 in Japan) follows four young children named Ness, Paula, Jeff and Poo on a journey around the world to save it from Giygas - an alien invader poisoning the hearts and minds and dogs, hippies and lampposts alike.
Director and writer Shigesato Itoi’s satirical but not cynical humour permeates the world, pitting players against gauntlets of police officers, pointy-hooded cults and living piles of rubbish. The game never loses that sense of wonder that comes with seeing the world through a child’s eyes : there might be a zombie plague in the next town but there are also talking dogs and people happy to lend a hand or point you in the right direction if you seek them out.
No matter how far from home Ness finds himself, he can always call his family if he finds a phone. Calling Dad allows you to save your game and find out how much he’s deposited into your bank account, along with a few words of encouragement; calling Mom makes sure Ness isn’t thrown off in battle by homesickness and let’s you know what’s going on without you around; calling Escargo Express puts you in contact with Ness’ sister Tracy to deposit or store items for a price. Even though you rarely see them after leaving Onett and never see Ness’ dad, his family are important because of their kindness. In turn, Ness shows that same kindness to everyone he meets outside of combat with an open mind and a brave smile.
One of those people you try to get through to is Porky Minch (Pokey in the original translation), your neighbour back in Onett and a persistent thorn in your side. You start the game having to drag him back home after he abandoned his little brother Picky to get in the way of a meteor investigation. When his parents get back, Mr Minch hits both boys off-screen and Mrs Minch makes it clear that there’s no love in the household. Where Ness is selfless, Porky is greedy, cowardly and jealous; willing to throw the world under the bus if he gets something for it. He brings his father along to revel in stolen luxury, never straying from the path his family set him down. In the end, kindness and unity overwhelms Giygas and Porky’s selfish evil.
For almost 30 years, Earthbound has inspired us. It’s inspired people to make RPGs like Undertale and OMORI, but it also inspires us to be kinder. To go through life with the same optimism and determination that Ness and his friends do. To travel to the ends of the Earth and to the depths of our own humanity. To not give up in the face of corruption and cruelty. To make friends with a monkey that flies by blowing bubblegum. In an absurd world, Earthbound says, try being kind.
This essay was originally written for my Twine game “2023 In Revue”, which you can play here : Thumbnail art by Game & Burger / .