Elation For The WonderBox 6000™
The Summer of Demos : Day Two

Sure, modern consoles like the Entertainment2 might be capable of simulating any emotion known to man, but there’s nothing quite like the classics is there? Take Elation for the WonderBox 6000™, a one-of-a-kind experience you’re always espousing the good word about to those philistines online. You may not have actually played it but you know for a fact that it’s leagues ahead of anything those cro-magnons are wasting their lives on. Maybe today’s the day you’ll get lucky and find it in town?

In Elation, you play in first-person as a retro game fan obsessed with playing the titular game for their WonderBox 6000™ console. After you get banned from the forum you proselytize on, you decide to head into town in the hope of finding a copy. The demo is just a sliver of the game, ending with the title drop after ten minutes, but considering the sharp humour and horrific claymation monstrosities on the Steam page, I’m going to keep my eye on this one.
In a word : magniloquent.
Elation For The WonderBox 6000™ is an upcoming claymation adventure developed and published by Digital Tchotkes for PC via Steam, targeting a Q4 release later this year.
This article is part of the Summer of Demos series, where I’ll be releasing a Demo Diving preview article each day in July. If you liked this article, be sure to share it with a friend or enemy. If you back me on Patreon, you get access to articles one day before they release anywhere else. If we reach £25/month before the end of July, I’ll extend the Summer of Demos into August.